8 proven ways to boost your b2b marketing success on linkedin.

How B2B Marketers Can Use LinkedIn to Leverage Success LinkedIn is more than just a job search engine. It is a powerful platform for B2B marketing and sales, with over 930 million members, in which 4 out of 5 members are decision-makers in their industries. LinkedIn can help you reach your target audience, build trust and authority, generate leads, and drive conversions. But how do you use LinkedIn effectively for B2B marketing? Here are some tips to help you level up your LinkedIn strategy:

01. Optimize your company page

Your company page is your online storefront on LinkedIn. It should showcase your brand identity, value proposition, products or services, and customer testimonials. Make sure your company page is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Use a catchy summary line that includes relevant keywords, a compelling “About Us” section that highlights your mission and differentiation, and a well-designed cover image and profile picture that reflect your brand personality. You can also add custom buttons to your company page that direct visitors to your website, landing page, or other desired actions.

02. Create valuable content

Content is king on LinkedIn. According to a study by Edelman and LinkedIn, sharing valuable, industry-specific content is one of the most effective ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors and make more sales. Content can include blog posts, articles, white papers, case studies, ebooks, webinars, podcasts, videos, infographics, and more. The key is to create content that educates, informs, entertains, or inspires your audience, and showcases your expertise and thought leadership. You can publish content on your company page, your personal profile, or LinkedIn’s native publishing platform, LinkedIn Pulse.

03. Run targeted ads

 LinkedIn Ads are a powerful way to reach a qualified audience on LinkedIn. You can use various ad formats, such as sponsored content, sponsored InMail, text ads, video ads, carousel ads, and lead gen forms. You can also use LinkedIn’s advanced targeting options to segment your audience by criteria such as industry, company size, job title, seniority level, skills, interests, and more. You can also create custom audiences based on your website visitors or email contacts. LinkedIn Ads can help you increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive traffic, and boost conversions. In fact, LinkedIn Ads conversion rates are 3X higher than other major platforms.

04. Encourage your colleagues to share their expertise

Your employees are your best advocates on LinkedIn. They can help you amplify your reach and credibility by sharing your company’s content and updates with their own networks. They can also showcase their own expertise and insights by creating and publishing original content on LinkedIn. This can help them build their personal brand and reputation as industry influencers. Encourage your colleagues to be active on LinkedIn by liking, commenting on, and sharing relevant content; joining and participating in groups; sending personalized connection requests; and engaging with prospects and customers.

05. Organize your campaigns by goals

LinkedIn allows you to create Campaign Groups to manage your marketing initiatives by different objectives. For example: If you’re running campaigns with different end goals like brand awareness video views, whitepaper downloads, and demo requests, try using a separate Campaign Group for each initiative. This will help you track the performance of each campaign and optimize them accordingly. According to LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, using campaign groups can increase your return on ad spend (ROAS) by up to 20%.

07. Aim for acquisition rather than retention

In B2B markets, acquisition is the only path for sustainable growth. This means that you need to focus on gaining more business customers from all other brands rather than trying to retain existing ones. To do this, you need to leverage LinkedIn’s search features to find sales prospects who match your ideal customer profile (ICP) and reach out to them with personalized messages. According to Hubspot, 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation.

08. Post consistently and invariably 

LinkedIn has a very active audience who expects regular content flow from your company page. If you keep giving them something they can hold onto, they will hold on to your brand for a long time. To do this, you need to post consistently and invariably on LinkedIn, meaning that you should post at least once a day, and vary the type of content you post, such as text, images, videos, or polls. According to Sprout Social, brands that post daily on LinkedIn see an average engagement rate of 0.54%, which is higher than any other social media platform.


LinkedIn is a powerful platform for B2B marketing and sales, with over 750 million members, many of whom are decision-makers in their industries. To use LinkedIn effectively for B2B marketing, you need to optimize your company page, create valuable content, run targeted ads, encourage your colleagues to share their expertise, organize your campaigns by goals, focus on awareness rather than perception, aim for acquisition rather than retention, and post consistently and invariably. By following these tips, backed by data and statistics, you can leverage LinkedIn to reach your target audience, build trust and authority, generate leads, and drive conversions.

If you want to learn more about B2B marketing on LinkedIn, or need help with your strategy, feel free to connect with us for a free consultation call. I would love to hear from you and help you achieve your B2B marketing goals on LinkedIn.

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