How to Sell Like a Pro Using These 12 Psychology Hacks.

Hey, do you want to know how to sell more stuff and make more money? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Well, I have some good news for you. Selling is not rocket science. It’s actually pretty simple once you understand how people think and behave. You see, selling is all about psychology. It’s about knowing what makes people tick and what makes them buy. And guess what? There are some proven psychology hacks that you can use to boost your sales skills and close more deals. Sounds awesome, right? Well, let me show you what they are. Here are 12 psychology hacks that will help you sell like a pro.

01. Be their BFF

People buy from people they like and trust. That’s why you need to be their BFF (best friend forever). You need to make them feel comfortable and connected with you. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Use their name and remember things about them
  • Find out what you have in common and talk about it
  • Copy their tone, speed and body language
  • Ask them open questions and listen to them
  • Show them that you care and understand
  • Give them compliments and praise

02. Show them the crowd

People follow the crowd. They do what others do, especially when they are unsure or confused. They want to fit in and avoid missing out. That’s why you need to show them the crowd. You need to make them see that others have bought your stuff, liked your stuff or recommended your stuff. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Share testimonials, reviews and ratings from happy customers
  • Show logos of big brands or organizations that use your stuff
  • Display badges, awards or certifications that prove your credibility
  • Mention stats, facts or figures that show your popularity or success
  • Create a sense of scarcity or urgency by showing limited supply or time

03. Make them feel something

People buy with their hearts, not their heads. They buy based on how they feel, not just on what they think. They buy because of their desires, motivations, fears, pains and goals. That’s why you need to make them feel something. You need to make them feel excited, happy, satisfied, proud, curious, surprised or anything else that will move them. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Tell them stories that capture their attention and imagination
  • Use vivid words and sensory details to evoke their feelings
  • Use metaphors, analogies and examples to make your message more relatable
  • Use humor, curiosity and surprise to keep them interested
  • Use positive emotions to inspire them
  • Use negative emotions to motivate them

04. Give them value

People buy when they see value. They buy when they think that the benefit of your stuff is greater than the cost of your stuff. They buy when they think that your stuff can help them get what they want or need. That’s why you need to give them value. You need to make them see how your stuff can solve their problems or improve their lives. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Know your customers’ needs, wants, problems and goals
  • Show how your stuff can meet their needs, wants, solve their problems and help them reach their goals
  • Highlight what makes your stuff different or better than others
  • Offer free trials, demos, samples or consultations
  • Provide guarantees, warranties or refunds
  • Offer discounts, bonuses or incentives

05. Get them to say yes

People stick to their words. They do what they say they will do, especially if they have said it out loud or in writing. They want to be consistent with their previous actions or statements. That’s why you need to get them to say yes. You need to make them agree to something or commit to something before you ask for the sale. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Ask for small favors or concessions that lead to bigger ones
  • Ask for opinions or feedback that imply interest or preference
  • Ask for referrals or introductions that imply satisfaction or loyalty
  • Ask for permission or confirmation that imply consent or readiness
  • Ask for action or closure that imply decision or purchase

06. Give before you take

People return the favor. They feel obliged to give back something if they have received something from someone else. They want to be fair and balanced in their exchanges. That’s why you need to give before you take. You need to give them something valuable first before you ask for something in return. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Give them useful information, advice or tips
  • Give them valuable resources, tools or templates
  • Give them exclusive access, invitations or opportunities
  • Give them recognition, appreciation or gratitude
  • Give them gifts, rewards or surprises

07. Show them who’s the boss

People trust the experts. They listen to and follow someone who has authority in their field or industry. They want to be guided by someone who knows what they are talking about and what they are doing. That’s why you need to show them who’s the boss. You need to make them see that you are an expert, a leader or a professional in your niche. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Display your credentials, qualifications or achievements
  • Share your experience, insights or case studies
  • Cite your sources, references or endorsements
  • Use professional, confident and assertive language
  • Dress, act and look the part

08. Make them see the difference

People notice the difference. They pay attention to and appreciate something if it is different from something else. They want to choose the best option among the available alternatives. That’s why you need to make them see the difference. You need to make them see how your product / service is better, cheaper, faster, easier or more convenient than others. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Compare your product / service with your competitors or alternatives
  • Compare your product / service with a higher-priced or lower-quality version
  • Compare your product / service with a before-and-after scenario
  • Compare your product / service with a problem-and-solution scenario
  • Compare your product / service with a pain-and-gain scenario

09. Make them want it more

People want what they can’t have. They desire something more if they think that it is rare, limited or in high demand. They want to get something before it runs out or before someone else gets it. They also want to avoid losing something that they already have or could have. That’s why you need to make them want it more. You need to make them see that your stuff is scarce or hard to get. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Limit the quantity, availability or access of your stuff
  • Set a deadline, expiration date or countdown timer for your offer
  • Show the number of people who have bought, viewed or joined your stuff
  • Show the number of people who are waiting, interested or inquiring about your stuff
  • Show the number of items left, spots remaining or seats available for your product / service

10. Be likeable

People buy from people they like. They buy from people who are attractive, pleasant or similar to themselves. They buy from people who share their values, beliefs or preferences. That’s why you need to be likeable. You need to make them feel good about you and about themselves. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Be friendly, warm and courteous
  • Be genuine, honest and authentic
  • Be helpful, supportive and generous
  • Be enthusiastic, passionate and positive
  • Be respectful, polite and professional
  • Be similar, familiar or compatible

11. Make them belong

People belong to groups. They identify with and feel loyal to a certain group, category or tribe. They buy something if they think that it reflects their group identity or helps them fit in with their desired group. That’s why you need to make them belong. You need to make them see that your stuff is for people like them or people they aspire to be like. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Segment your market and target your niche
  • Create a brand personality and voice that resonates with your audience
  • Use symbols, logos, colors or slogans that represent your brand identity
  • Use testimonials, stories or images that feature your ideal customers
  • Create a community, forum or network that connects your customers

12. Make them see it your way

People see what they want to see. They interpret information, facts or data according to their own perspective and bias. They buy something if it is presented in a way that matches their expectations and preferences. That’s why you need to make them see it your way. You need to make them see how your stuff is positive, favorable or beneficial for them. How do you do that? Well, here are some tips:

  • Use positive words, phrases or statements
  • Use benefits, advantages or outcomes
  • Use percentages, ratios or proportions
  • Use anchors, references or benchmarks
  • Use loss aversion, risk reduction or opportunity cost


Selling is not just about presenting your product or service. It’s also about understanding the psychology of your potential customers and how they make buying decisions. By applying some proven principles of human behavior, you can increase your chances of closing more deals and growing your business. In this blog post, we have shared 12 actionable sales techniques that are based on the psychology of selling. These techniques will help you:

  • Establish rapport and trust
  • Use social proof
  • Appeal to emotions
  • Provide value
  • Ask for commitment
  • Use reciprocity
  • Leverage authority
  • Create contrast
  • Use scarcity
  • Use liking
  • Use social identity
  • Use framing

We hope you have found this blog post helpful and informative. If you want to learn more about the psychology of selling and how to improve your sales skills, check out our other blog posts on this topic or contact us for a free consultation. And don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from it. Happy selling!

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