Sales Consulting

Sales Consulting Firm, helping businesses and sales leaders in guiding them future ready, with not only tried and tested strategies, but with intelligent analytics and insights to enable the sales team to win at every stage of the sales funnel.

Our 4 pillars of sales consulting are, Sales Strategy implementation, Sales process, Sales management, Sales team training and Change management.

The 2 key ingredients of sales effectiveness are, Process implementation & Talent optimization. We can help you assess these key areas and help you develop a system that sets your sales team to close deals in a much faster way.

If you are looking for a true business mate who can ideally help you assess and evaluate your dream sales team, Connect with us, we are happy to help.

“Great Sales people are relationship builders who provide value and helps their customers to win.”

– Jeffrey Gitomer

Awarded by Clutch...

Ideal Customer Profile: B2B & B2C

Entrepreneur / Business Owners / Chief of the Organization,

a. Looking to Scale their business

b. Hack Growth & Revenue potential

b. ARR [Annual Rate of Return] must be ₹ 5Cr or $1M and above.

c. TAM [Total Addressable Market] of 1000+ target customers

We help businesses and sales leaders to diagnose the areas where you hit the stone wall. We identify the opportunities for potential growth through sales strength analysis and sales process evaluation. As an outcome of the analysis, we will guide you with your sales activities in the right direction, by keeping the Volume of sales & closing of SQL's [Sales Qualified Leads] in mind. As a result the sales team will be empowered to achieve desired revenue growth , and develop a strong sales leadership model.

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail & Real Estate
  • Business Services
  • Transport & Logistics
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Technology
  • Financial Services
  • Hospitality - Travel - Leisure
  • Sales Transformation
  • Sales Management
  • Sales Strategy & Implementation
  • Sales strength analysis
  • Sales Process Evaluation
  • Sales Enablement
  • Sales Pipeline development
  • Sales training & workshop
Read our insightful

Resources on Sales Effectiveness

Articles - #sALes STRATEGY

How to Sell Like a Pro Using These 12 Psychology Hacks.

Hey, do you want to know how to sell more stuff and make more money? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Well, I have some good news for you. Selling is not rocket science. It’s actually pretty simple once you understand how people think and behave. You see, selling is all about psychology. It’s about knowing what makes people tick and what makes them buy. And guess what? There are some proven psychology hacks that you can use to boost your sales skills and close more deals. Sounds awesome, right? Well, let me show you what they are. Here are 12 psychology hacks that will help you sell like a pro.


What clients are saying?


average customer rating

(Google, Clutch, Trustpilot)

We rate them a 5star on their professionalism, quality, responsiveness, and value they bring to table. Their expertise, and seasoned problem solving skills made the entire creation of brand and launch a breezy experience, The team care about our goals and outcomes, they are data driven, analyze everything, to fine-tune and achieve the set goals. 100% Recommended!

Manoj kumar gupta, Managing Director

Shiv helped us in solving the branding issues in our retail, with their analytical prowess and strategic approach, he is more like brand psychologist gets to the root of the problem, and shapes up the necessary strategy not just by data, he does get in to the field and reviews competition, interviews stakeholders, and identifies the opportunity for newer expansion, & new product categories launch.

Parthiban, Managing Director

Shiv's identification of our core problem in the existing retail location was a game-changer, his strategic insights and analytical inputs helped us increase store visits by 65%, and a 40% increase in new customer acquisition. The team helped us with Brand Launch and Go-to market strategy for our new Retail store. Seasoned Consultant, five star for their efforts, Highly Recommended .

shankar, managing director

Witstuners Consulting has been a blessing for my project. They helped me with my project for LexicoUrbano which turned out better than I envisioned. Shiv is knowledgeable in software and business, as he holds dual masters in computers and Business, he and the team, finds solutions for every challenge. I am very lucky I choose Witstuners Consulting for this project.

Bliss Van amsterdam, Investor, Entrepreneur

Benefits of associating with consulting firm



We help you navigate through all the blind-spots in your success journey.



Having a team of experts to rely on, & get the questions answered when it needed the most.



We are cost-effective & bring in wide-array of expertise, that your  in-house talents can’t.



Our willingness to transparency & responsibility is unbeatable. Our Clients testimonials are the proof.



15 + years knowledge with diverse mix of skills is why you need us on your side, to win all your battles.



We present the, Truth independent from individual subjectivity & bias free, to steer towards real solution.


Speed to Market

Strategy & Tactics, with proprietary frameworks & processes, yes, we are both agile and fast.


Worry free

Challenges and problems are our fuel, as entrepreneurs you be worry free in the entire journey with us.

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